Instilling Lasting Healthy Habits By Providing Nutritious Foods
Instilling Lasting Healthy Habits By Providing Nutritious Foods
Preschool & Daycare Serving Greenville, AL
Day Care Homes and Centers Serving Well-Balanced, Nutritious Meals

Creating the Foundation for Healthy Choices in Life
Easy Claiming Options with the Minute Menu WebKids System
On-line claiming is free, using Minute Menu WebKids
Log into our secure WebHX website and record everything the food program requires. An enhanced version of this software is also available to you by paying an annual fee to Minute Menu. With the free version of Minute Menu WebKids, you can easily:
- Record Meals
- Enroll children
- Note school holidays, child sick days, etc.
- Pre-plan menus
- Record Daily Child In/Out Times
- Find out how much you will be paid
- Eliminate claim errors
helpful links
- WebKids Startup Guide English
- WebKids Startup Guide Spanish
- WebKids Manual
- Minute Menu
- US Department of Agriculture child and adult care
- National Agricultural Library Food & Nutrition Information Center
- North Carolina Department of Agriculture KID’S Page
- The (CACFP) Sponsor’s Organization (TSA)
- Redleaf National Institute
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD).
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TDD).
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Participating with the Food Program is a win-win situation.
- “Kids Win” because they’re eating nutritious meals and snacks in a safe, healthy environment.
- “You Win” by receiving cash reimbursements for serving nutritious meals and snacks to the children in your care. You also receive nutrition education and program training to help you offer a quality day care program.
Yes. Meals served to children on provider-supervised field trips/picnics may be reimbursed. You must call the office before you go for “pre-approval”. You and the office must document the following:
- Date of field trip/picnic
- Field trip/picnic destination
- Time
- Meal served (Breakfast, am snack, lunch, pm snack, dinner, ev. snack)
- Meal components
- How you will keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot
- How you will ensure proper hand washing
No. Meals must be served at the approved site (provider home) as part of the day care program. “Pre-approved” field trips/picnics are the only exception. Meals given to children to take to school or home are not reimbursable.
Non-creditable foods may be served as extra or “other” foods only after the required foods are served. Do not serve as a “reward” for eating other foods.
Meals claimed for reimbursement must meet meal pattern requirements and the provider must supply at least one component to claim the meal. “Other” foods may be served, but not in place of required components. Birthday treats that do not meet any part of the required meal pattern should be served after the meal to help eliminate plate waste and provide examples of good eating habits that are desirable for children to develop.
Yes, water can be offered as a beverage if the snack contains the required two food groups. Throughout the day, including at meal times, water should be made available to children to drink upon their request.
Milk is important for children’s growth and development. You can count milk on the cereal if the correct amount is served.
Foods high in sugar should be served no more than two times a week.
The meal pattern for infants states breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack, but that is only a guideline. Young babies may need to eat every 2 to 4 hours. Older babies may also need to eat more frequently than the specified times. When babies are hungry, feed them and record the meal that is close to your times on the FDCH Application.
Contact the office or your monitor to change your meal times.
Log onto Minute Menu WebKids. Click on “List Children” icon OR click “Children” on the tool bar, then “Manage Children”. “Manage Child Information” screen will come up. In the upper right hand side of the screen, “select child”. A screen with the child’s information will appear. The lower left hand of the screen, click “Print”. Once you have printed the enrollment, write in all changes, have a parent initial the changes and sign the enrollment. Fax, email, or mail a copy of the enrollment to the office and AFC staff will make the changes.
New child enrollment forms should be submitted to the office as soon as possible so they can be entered/approved by AFC staff. Forms should be in the office no later than the 2ndworking day of the month or the children may be disallowed on your claim. Enrollment forms with changes should be submitted immediately. Remember these forms must be signed by a parent.
Yes, if the following guidelines are met:
- Care and meals are provided in your home.
- Providers with a License or Residential Certificate must have the substitute “cleared” through the Utah Department of Health Child Care Licensing.
Relative Care and Alternate Care Providers substitutes must have BCI clearance and listed with AFC.
- Substitutes must be trained on Food Program rules and regulations
- A provider can leave a substitute with day care children no more than 20% of the time.
No. All meals claimed for reimbursement must be prepared and served in your home, unless it is a “pre-approved” field trip/picnic.
Unfortunately, if you haven’t kept your paper work up to date or entered you claim on-line, we are required by regulation to disallow those days that are not complete. Sign-in out sheets with a parent signature must also be maintained daily.
You will receive your reimbursement by direct deposit or paper check.
Reimbursement for claims received in the office by the 2nd working day of the month will be mailed or deposited to your account approximately between the 15th and 20th of the month