Put Your Creative, Nurturing, And Organizational Skills To Work
Put Your Creative, Nurturing, And Organizational Skills To Work
Preschool & Daycare Serving Greenville, AL
Become a Family Day Care Provider
We assist you in becoming licensed by the State of Alabama, and give you all the information and guidance you need on child development practices, nutrition, health,and safety issues.

Connect With All Available Resources For Success
No need to search for answers, we hand them all to you. Giving you information about resources available to providers, such as the USDA Child Care Food Program that assists in paying for meals served in daycare, is something we do expertly well.
Grow Your Business With Instant Referrals
Getting your business off the ground starts by connecting you with the families who need your services. Not only do we refer parents to your business, but we also connect you with child care providers, professional child care associations, and other child care professionals, so that you can become a part of a network and community of like-minded business owners who help each other out.
Pursue a Rewarding Career and Feel Good Making a Contribution
Running a family child care is one of the most important, rewarding careers you can pursue. In a world where many people find their jobs high-pressure, uninspiring, and without deeper meaning, working with children is the most fulfilling contribution you can make.
Fulfill A Crucial Community Need Makes Business Sense
With more and more dual-income homes, parents need to rely on exceptional childcare services to help with the raising of their little ones. There is always a need for high quality child care services in Alabama.
Earn Income From Home, As Your Own Boss
Not only will you be filling an important community need by starting your own childcare business, but you will also be working from the comfort of your home and working your own hours. Building your own business allows you to have more freedom in life, time for other things, and a new perspective on making money in a lasting way.
Discover new joy Through the eyes of Children Every Day
Inner peace and contentment is as important as a thriving business and fulfilling career. Working with children every day can inspire us towards doing better, and being better at what we do. This is a simple yet staggering benefit to being surrounded by joy, love, and life through the eyes of children every day.
Have A Positive Impact on Kids And Spend More Time With Your Own
Creating a positive environment for children also helps you develop new skills in caring for young children, including your own! Should you have children of your own, you can trust that benefit from having extra playmates at home. What other job could be more rewarding and fulfilling?
For more information on starting your own family day care business,
contact Susan Lowman at (334)371-2104 or
Alabama Department of Human Recourses Minimum Standards for Family Day Care Homes