Families And Children Are Healthy, Safe, And Ready To Learn

happy smiling young asian mother with little baby at home in Greenville, AL


Families And Children Are Healthy, Safe, And Ready To Learn

Preschool & Daycare Serving Greenville, AL

Parents as Teachers Is An Evidence-Based Home Visiting Model

The Home Visiting Model is the comprehensive home-visiting, parent education model used by Parents as Teachers Affiliates. The model provides services to families with children.
teacher reading book to infant at a not-for-profit and subsidy preschool Serving Greenville, AL

There are four dynamic components to the parents as teachers model:

Together, these four components form a cohesive package of services with four primary goals:

Authentic Partnerships That Helps Our Community Thrive

The Parents as Teachers program provides home-visiting, guidance for early care and education, and builds family engagement. At the heart of the program are values that drive authentic partnerships with parents, children, schools, and the program’s affiliates.

Home Visits That Help Parent And Caregiver Educators

This program matches parents and caregivers with trained professionals who make regular personal home visits during a child’s earliest years in life, from prenatal through kindergarten. This way, they can ask questions and get all the guidance they need to help their child.
Little girl shaking hands with her teacher at a Preschool & Daycare Serving Greenville, AL

Expert Training Ensures Every Successful Outcome

A three-day certification training lays the foundation for the Parents as Teachers approach home visitation within an early childhood system. The training is presented by expert trainers who emphasize reflective practice and hands-on learning.

Gaining Special Skills And Knowledge Every Step Of The Way

Model implementation incorporates the Parents as Teachers Quality Assurance Guidelines and offers implementation strategies that help parents and schools fully understand and bring to life quality Parents as Teachers services.
Gaining Special Skills And Knowledge Every Step Of The Way

Parent Reviews

She loves going to school and can do anything she wants to.

I’m glad Brianna is in the program, it helped her in so many ways. She loves going to school and can do anything she wants to. She has learned so much like coloring, using scissors, putting things in order, and color coordination. She loves doing homework.

- Hope McQueen

It’s amazing how simple cooking activities make such delicious foods!

My name is Mae Powell I have a four year old grandson, we participate in the Parent As Teachers program and since he has been getting the lessons he has learned to use his alphabets in many ways. He has been using his mind to explore many different things. It’s amazing how simple cooking activities make such delicious foods!

- Mae Powell

I love the creative ideas they provide for learning.

The Parent As Teachers Program has been really helpful for me with spending time with my three year old son. I use this time to teach my son different skills. I love the creative ideas they provide for learning.

- Lakeyshee Snow

I recommend this program to all our early childhood students and families.

After starting this program my child’s development skills has increased amazingly in addition with the program my child is currently attending. This program provides the extra hands on projects that help enhance many skills. I recommend this program to all our early childhood students and families.

- Gracie Colemam

I also let my nephew participate in the activities. It is truly a blessing.

I Thank God for the Parents As Teachers program, I get to watch my child learn. He is learning colors, shapes, and how to write. He loves the time we spend together. He gets free books and stuff. It’s also another way for me and my child to bond. I know that he will be ready for school thanks to this program. I also let my nephew participate in the activities. It is truly a blessing.

- Danaela Bennett

This program has brought me and my family a lot closer and has gotten us more involved with our children’s studies.

The Parent As Teachers Program has been a really good experience for me and my family. Although it’s my first year and a new experience I count it all a blessing. My daughter is very grateful for this program; she is usually the one getting me ready for the assignments. This program has brought me and my family a lot closer and has gotten us more involved with our children’s studies.

- Niessa Mcghee

I myself have enjoyed seeing the face on my son when he learned something new that he didn’t understand before.

Parents As Teachers is a great program for me and my son; it has brought us even closer. He is learning different things that will help him when he starts school this year. I myself have enjoyed seeing the face on my son when he learned something new that he didn’t understand before. This is a great program to help kids learn.

- Rolanda Crum

She likes having her tote she calls it her purse that she keeps her homework in.

I can see a difference in my daughter Jamie as far as her enjoying homework. She likes having her tote she calls it her purse that she keeps her homework in. She reminds me daily she has homework. I think she feels important that she has assigned homework.

- Anonymous

The curriculum is set up in a way that any child can reach a developmental milestone.

Hi, my name is Demessia and my child Cornelius is an Parent As Teachers participant. Before joining the program was a little apprehensive but now he is soaring into the clouds! He enjoys doing his homework with mommy and his big sister. It’s amazing how your child can blossom right before your eyes. The curriculum is set up in a way that any child can reach a developmental milestone. I hope more parents join this winning team.

- Demessia Longmire

Parents As Teachers has played a big role in my life and I thank God for such a program.

The Parents As Teachers program is the second learning experience my son have been a part and the first in involving me as my son’s teacher. I a lot of things that I thought my child knew to only find out that he really didn’t know. Parents As Teachers has played a big role in my life and I thank God for such a program.

- Regina Powell

I Keeshunda Hawkins would like every parent to let them join this program

I Keeshunda Hawkins would like every parent to let them join this program because they will learn a lot. My son enjoys it so much and so do we.

- Anonymous

I’m glad Brianna is in the program, it helped her in so many ways. She loves going to school and can do anything she wants to. She has learned so much like coloring, using scissors, putting things in order, and color coordination. She loves doing homework.
- Hope McQueen
The Parent As Teachers Program has been really helpful for me with spending time with my three year old son. I use this time to teach my son different skills. I love the creative ideas they provide for learning.
- Lakeyshee Snow
After starting this program my child’s development skills has increased amazingly in addition with the program my child is currently attending. This program provides the extra hands on projects that help enhance many skills. I recommend this program to all our early childhood students and families.
- Gracie Colemam
I Thank God for the Parents As Teachers program, I get to watch my child learn. He is learning colors, shapes, and how to write. He loves the time we spend together. He gets free books and stuff. It’s also another way for me and my child to bond. I know that he will be ready for school thanks to this program. I also let my nephew participate in the activities. It is truly a blessing.
- Danaela Bennett
I’m glad Brianna is in the program, it helped her in so many ways. She loves going to school and can do anything she wants to. She has learned so much like coloring, using scissors, putting things in order, and color coordination. She loves doing homework.
- Hope McQueen
The Parent As Teachers Program has been a really good experience for me and my family. Although it’s my first year and a new experience I count it all a blessing. My daughter is very grateful for this program; she is usually the one getting me ready for the assignments. This program has brought me and my family a lot closer and has gotten us more involved with our children’s studies.
- Niessa Mcghee
Parents As Teachers is a great program for me and my son; it has brought us even closer. He is learning different things that will help him when he starts school this year. I myself have enjoyed seeing the face on my son when he learned something new that he didn’t understand before. This is a great program to help kids learn.
- Rolanda Crum
I can see a difference in my daughter Jamie as far as her enjoying homework. She likes having her tote she calls it her purse that she keeps her homework in. She reminds me daily she has homework. I think she feels important that she has assigned homework.
- Anonymous
My name is Mae Powell I have a four year old grandson, we participate in the Parent As Teachers program and since he has been getting the lessons he has learned to use his alphabets in many ways. He has been using his mind to explore many different things. It’s amazing how simple cooking activities make such delicious foods!
- Mae Powell
Hi, my name is Demessia and my child Cornelius is an Parent As Teachers participant. Before joining the program was a little apprehensive but now he is soaring into the clouds! He enjoys doing his homework with mommy and his big sister. It’s amazing how your child can blossom right before your eyes. The curriculum is set up in a way that any child can reach a developmental milestone. I hope more parents join this winning team.
- Demessia Longmire
The Parents As Teachers program is the second learning experience my son have been a part and the first in involving me as my son’s teacher. I a lot of things that I thought my child knew to only find out that he really didn’t know. Parents As Teachers has played a big role in my life and I thank God for such a program.
- Regina Powell
I Keeshunda Hawkins would like every parent to let them join this program because they will learn a lot. My son enjoys it so much and so do we.
- Anonymous